Some wonderful reviews have come in for Dawn Rising so far! Read on to see what people think.
"Dawn Rising is a fantastic modern fantasy book with an engaging premise and a high concept. [...] Wonderful prose, lots of beautiful imagery and some really fantastic use of metaphor and simile. The novel is very polished and makes for an enjoyable, immersive read. Alyssia makes for a sympathetic and believable protagonist, being the perfect mix of inner strength and self-doubt. A delightful read, and one I would recommend to any fans of the genre."
Laura-Alice, Goodreads
"I was intrigued and hooked from the start and loved meeting and learning more about each of the characters. [...] I’m not usually a fantasy lover but this one really got me and I kept wanting to know what would happen next, it’s definitely one I’m going to continue the series with."
Vix, Goodreads
"This book surprised me, I didn’t think I would enjoy it as much as I did. [...] I really enjoyed each and every character in our main band of heroes. I think that they each bring a unique and relatable voice to the events that occur. The story is laced with elements of self-discovery, reclaiming control, friendship, loyalty, trust and teamwork; and each of these make the story line so enjoyable."
Kayleigh, Goodreads
"I read through this book in about five or six hours, spellbound the whole while. Surprising depth of characters and topics for a YA novel, and the plot was quite compelling. I anxiously await a second book; I need to know what happens next!"
Micah, Goodreads